As Anna Ciesielska held her son, Michal Winter, after he was born, she was upset, as she would supposed to be happy, since she gave birth and held her son.

Michal was born with a skin condition, which affected his appearance. He was looking different than a normal baby. And the doctors did stated that he doesn’t stand much chance, in terms of survival.

Michal’s condition was named, Harlequin ichthyosis. Anna said, “It was a huge shock. I thought I was going to have a healthy baby. Not even the doctors at first knew what was wrong with him.”

As his parents get used with his appearance, dealing with other people who were looking at their son was a challenge for them. Some would ask if Anna would need help, some would just look at Michal.

Anna said, “Michal is a perfectly normal boy with a wonderful nature, he just has this skin condition,”

Her baby was precious for her, and seeing people looking at her baby, as if he was a creature hurted her a lot.

“I was in a shop, and someone came up to us and was staring at Michal and asked if he was a doll.” Anna said.

She also stated that the woman’s face changed, when her son Michal moved. That woman thought that Michal was a baby doll.

As they tried many different treatments for their son, Michal is happy living and exploring the world he is in. As he wanted to live as a normal child, his parents wanted the same for their son.

Anna and Sebastian wanted to buy a hydrotherapy bath for Michal, as it would be a good treatment for his skin. But it was expensive. The family raised some money for it

At first, his doctors gave Michal a few weeks to live, but Anna said, “He’s overcome so much, and despite the challenges he faces, he’s such a happy and loving child.”

In a day, Michal recevives two creams and six moisturizing bath. And also, Michal needs to stay away from the sun, as much as possible to stay away from dehydration.

The parents need to care for the skin of Michal, because if it gets too dry, it hurts Michal. He needs to be in a certain temperature, and stay away from the sunlight to avoid burns.

And also, Michal needs to be away from the viruses too, because he would get sick easily. Anna said that she has people who helps her for caring Michal.

When Michal’s story went viral after a news outlet shared it, there were many comments made under the news post.

“He is so cute. People should look at themselves sometimes.”

“People are so cruel. He’s beautiful, and that smile is gorgeous.”

“That smile lights up a room. Beautiful!”

Michal turned six in 19th of September, as he proved wrond the doctors who said that he would be dead in weeks. Anna had celebrated her son’s birthday, as she shared a picture online.

In February, the mother also shared her son in his school uniform, with a picture where he was smiling, and holding his bag.

A follower of Michal’s account commented under the post as, “Such a handsome young man.”

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