Shaq O’Neal gifts family of 11 a brand new van and truck in incredible show of generosity

Shaquille O’Neal has undoubtedly been blessed in this life. Aside from amassing a fortune during his NBA days, the basketball star has made wise business decisions and investments.Today, he continues to reap the rewards of his hard work.

As one of the wealthiest athletes around, Shaq, 49, not only splurges on himself and his family—he also makes sure to share his blessings with others. In fact, he is known for his philanthropy and has gone viral countless times for his kind acts.

Shaq challenged himself to do at least one good deed every time he would leave the house, and it appears that the man has been faithfully sticking to this goal.

Shaq’s latest show of generosity involved a Texas family of 11, known on Instagram as “The Collins Kids.”

In an Instagram post on February 23, Karissa, the family’s matriarch, shared how they became the recipients of Shaq’s generous acts.

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