2-Year-Old Boy Takes To The Stage, Sings The National Anthem And Silence The Crowd

As an adult, I don’t think that we sometimes have as much courage as little kids do. Just out of their naivety and innocence, many children have it in them to stand up to their fears or tackle something head out, as opposed to us adults who put logic and thought behind everything, before going through with it.

We are often caught up in thoughts like “what will people think?” Or, “am I going to make a fool out of myself if I go up there and dance to my favorite song?” Children teach us to let go of our inhibitions, own our passions, and do whatever it is that we want to do without the fear of failure and judgment. They will go do something because their heart is happy and they want to. Some may say that children don’t know better, I believe that they are much wiser than many adults.

With that being said, this “something” could really just be as simple as a dance performance or singing a song in front of a large crowd, and oftentimes, people do chicken out—it’s human nature! But that doesn’t go for this little 2-year-old shown in the video below.

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