Thousands make pilgrimage to rural Missouri to visit intact remains of nun who died in 2019 at age 95

In a small rural town in Missouri, thousands have been flocking to visit the body of a Catholic nun named Sister Wilhemina Lancaster. The catch? She passed away in 2019. Despite the passage of time, her body has shown minimal signs of decay, sparking both awe and speculation.

Sister Wilhemina Lancaster of the Most Holy Rosary, OSB, passed away on May 29, 2019, at the age of 95. Recently, when the Sisters from Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles Monastery in Gower, Missouri moved Lancaster’s body into their chapel, they made a startling discovery. Anticipating only bones, as she was neither embalmed nor placed in anything more than a wooden casket, the sisters found her body to be nearly perfectly intact.

The lack of decay, despite not being embalmed, is a phenomenon associated with the concept of “incorruptible saints” in Catholic tradition. These individuals, believed to have witnessed the resurrection of the body and life after death, show little to no signs of decay years after their passing.

Sister Wilhemina’s preservation has led to widespread interest and raised important questions. The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph released a statement acknowledging the interest and the need for a thorough investigation while protecting the integrity of Sister Wilhelmina’s remains.

Not only was Sister Wilhemina’s body intact, but her clothes and items she was buried with were also remarkably preserved. The sisters, unsure of how to proceed, cleaned a mask of thick mold off her face and created a wax mask of her face and hands. Despite some damage during the preservation process, the body remained relatively intact.

The discovery has drawn thousands of people to the rural town to pay their respects to Sister Wilhemina, prompting discussions about whether it’s a miracle or not. The body was displayed for several days before being enclosed in a glass case near the chapel’s altar.

The story has sparked a mix of awe, belief in the miraculous, and skepticism, prompting ongoing discussions and reflections.

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