Young Boy, 8, Enters His Classroom & Tears Up After Hearing His Classmates

The saying that it takes a village to raise a child couldn’t have been more valid after seeing what a group of people did to make a small boy feel good on his birthday. Ángel David, 8, had no idea of the surprise that awaited him when he marched into the classroom on his eighth birthday. However, at the end of the day, the event that followed his entrance into the classroom became an unforgettable experience.

David was a student at the Presbítero Gabriel Yepes Yepes Educational Institution in Seville in the municipality of Ebéjico (Western Antioquia), Spain. He was from a family of four children and had never had a birthday party because of his family’s limited financial capability. However, David had seen other children celebrate their birthdays and knew that he wanted one too. So he did the only thing he could think of to make it possible.

He walked up to the moms of two students and told them what he wanted.

“The boy once came up to us and told us that he dreamed of a birthday party. We know that his mother does not have enough resources to celebrate his birthday. That’s how we decided to join forces to celebrate his birthday,” one of the moms said, per elColombiano.

The two moms then decided that the adorable boy should not have to clock another year without a party of his own, so they organized one for him. His teacher also asked to join in the planning. The teacher, Casas Ximeno, also co-opted David’s classmates, friends, and other teachers to felicitate the special occasion. Thus, David’s surprise birthday party was planned.

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David entered his classroom and heard the birthday song from his classmates, friends, and teachers. Immediately, he burst into tears of joy because his dream had come true.

“Birthday to you, happy birthday. May you fulfill them happily and may you fulfill them again,” they all sang as David kept crying over experiencing his first birthday party.

His teachers, friends, and neighbors further surprised him by buying a cake and apple sodas. They also bought chocolates for everyone to share.

Meanwhile, the celebrant was a fan of the “Paw Patrol” cartoon, so they decorated his cake with images of the characters he loved. David’s friends and teachers also made sure the environment looked befitting for a second grader’s birthday party as they decorated his classroom with balloons and a colorful tablecloth.

After singing, everyone assembled to give David a big hug. Afterward, the sweets were shared with everyone. Meanwhile, Ximeno ensured that there was time to cut the cake. Then David got a present and some candy that the hosts had pooled resources to get for him.

The birthday boy did not hide his delight at the precious moment he shared with friends and classmates. He was grateful and full of smiles throughout as he moved around.

“I felt very happy, I had never had a birthday like that before,” David said. “I was so happy that I even started crying from happiness. My companions hugged me and told me to live until I was three thousand years old. And I already want to celebrate other birthdays with my family and friends,” he decided.

What do you think of this gesture? Do you like to celebrate your birthday? Let us know — and be sure to pass this on to friends and family.

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