After Years Of Fertility Struggles, Pregnant Couple Receives Call From Their Doctor Who Admits Lifechanging Mistake

Married couple Carolyn and Sean Savage from Ohio were desperate to start their family and get pregnant, but they had suffered a series of miscarriages, and it seemed hopeless. That is, until they began in vitro fertilization (IVF). The couple was tremendously happy when Carolyn became pregnant. But their joy turned to fear after they received a frantic call from their doctor only days later telling them they needed to terminate the pregnancy.

In an extensive interview on 60 Minutes Australia, Sean Savage remembered when he received a call from the IVF clinic, informing them of a mix-up that happened. Turns out, a different set of thawed embryos were implanted into Carolyn. To put it simply, she was carrying the child of another couple – Shannon and Paul Morell.

Carolyn and Sean already had three children – the youngest was Mary Kate, who was born through IVF as well. Sadly, as they wanted to have more children, Carolyn was confronted with the fact that she had become increasingly at risk for pregnancy. But in 2009, she gave IVF another go. Then, ten days later, they got a call from the doctor informing them of the mix-up. It was, in fact, a clerical error because Shannon Morell’s embryos were filed and named under her maiden name, which just happened to be Savage – Sean and Carolyn’s family name.

Carolyn’s doctor informed her that she had two choices – either carry the baby despite the medical risk and with the knowledge she would have to give it up or terminate the pregnancy.

“The irony of the fact that I could terminate the pregnancy but if I brought him into this world, I have to give him away – that was an absurd irony but it was our reality,” she told the interviewer.

They decided to go ahead with the pregnancy. After carrying the child for nine months, Carolyn gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The day was a rollercoaster ride for Carolyn and Sean. Moments after giving birth to the child, they had to hand him over to his biological parents.

Talking about the pain of handing over the child to the parents to 60 Minutes Australia, Sean said that there was “reluctance,” as he could not believe he was doing that at the time.

Eventually, the baby boy, who was named Logan, grew up to be a little ball of energy. Although the Morells initially didn’t want to tell Logan about the mix-up, they eventually realized it was “impossible” to keep it from him.

“I want him to feel that this was meant to be, that this was his fate, and what a lucky kid he is. Now, that’s not easy, I mean that is hard to accept. That’s something that’s hard to accept that we’re still working on, but to him, I want to make it to be a beautiful ending, and although it was an unusual beginning – what a lucky kid he is,” Shannon said.

Both couples chronicled their unusual experience in their respective books. The Savages, through Carolyn, published “Inconceivable: A Medical Mistake, the Baby We Couldn’t Keep, and Our Choice to Deliver the Ultimate Gift.” On the other hand, the Morells wrote their side of the story in their book titled “Misconception: One Couple’s Journey from Embryo Mix-Up to Miracle Baby.”

In 2011, joy found its way back to the Savages as they had “miracle twins” Isabella and Reagen, which they had through surrogacy. In 2014, she also gave birth to a son, whom they unexpectedly conceived naturally without complications.

What can you say about the story? What would you have done if you were in the position of Carolyn? Would you give the child away? Let us know, and pass this on to your family, friends, and other loved ones too!

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