13-Year-Old Luke Thill Constructs Own House With Meager Sum Of $1,500

In today’s world, 13-year-old boys are usually focused on the latest video games and the newest movies coming out in theaters. Luke Thill, who was a middle schooler from Dubuque, Iowa, when this story first came out, stands out from the crowd. This brave teenager not only owned his own home at the tender age of 13, but he also built it himself.

The teen started the project in 2016, and one year later, at the mere age of 13, Thill owned his very own first house.

That’s right, Thill is the owner of a tiny house that he decided to build with his own hands. Located in Dubuque, Iowa, Thill began watching YouTube videos about tiny houses and quickly became a fan of the small buildings, according to ABC News. After becoming immersed in the tiny house culture, Thill determined that he was ready to build a home of his own.

When Thill first went to his parents with the idea, they were probably a bit dubious. However, his dad gave him permission to start building as long as he followed one rule: The project had to be funded by Thill alone, they told ABC News.

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