There Is No Difference Between Jesus And Lucifer

As preposterous as this statement may sound to many Christians, there are striking similarities between Jesus and Lucifer as described in the Bible: Both are morning stars. See Isaiah 14: 12 (How are you fallen, O morning Star, Son of the dawn….) In Revelation 22: 16, Jesus reveals himself as the morning star….”I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star.” Then again, both Jesus and Lucifer claimed to be equal to God. Lucifer said to himself in Isaiah 14:13,” I would set up my throne above the stars of God……”.And he attempted just that….. raising himself beyond the stars and trying to usurp God until he was cast down. Jesus also raised himself on equal footing with God, and has eventually overshadowed and supplanted him. He stated emphatically:

That he and God are one. John 10:30.
That he was the way the truth and the light……That nobody goes to God except through him. John 14:6.
That he who has seen the father, has seen him. And that he is in the father and the father is in him. John 14:8-11,
That before Abraham came to be, he was. John 8:58.
That everything has been given over to him by his father, and that no one knows the father but the son……Matthew 9:5-7.
Taken together, all these statements were equating Jesus to God. And so he was finally crucified, or cast down in a figurative sense, just like Lucifer. But all these statements seemed to signal his divinity and equality with God and were very similar to those made by Lucifer before his downfall…….That he would become like the most high God.

In fact, Jesus always saw himself as God to the point where the Jews nearly stoned him, accusing him that a mere human being claimed to be God. See John 10:33 ff.

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