Mother And Daughter Give Birth To Biological Sisters Just Weeks Apart From Each Other

A Minnesota couple welcomed a very special set of twins. Kelsi Pierce gave birth to Ava last November 2020. A month earlier, they also welcomed Everly. The 53-year-old woman and 31-year-old daughter were pregnant at the same time with biological sisters.
Two children, born 5 weeks apart. How is this possible? They can only describe the surreal experience as a miracle.

Kelsi and Kyle Pierce were having trouble conceiving.
In a Facebook post, Kelsi shared her frustration and the heartbreaking reality that she might not fulfill her lifelong dream of being a mother.She said that she wanted to be one since she was a child but reality was telling her otherwise. They underwent years and years of treatments, procedures, medications, surgeries, and other experimental alternatives but all of it ends the same – in heartbreak.

At first, the doctors said she had a low ovarian reserve.
She underwent a successful round of IVF but there was another issue again. This time, the doctor said the lining of her uterus was too thin.But even when they successfully prepared her uterus, she still got the dreaded news. Her doctor said her body just can’t carry a full-term pregnancy and that they have to consider alternatives.
According to her Facebook post, they still have four healthy embryos.
Then, after an emotional and lengthy conversation with her husband, they both agreed to find an alternative measure to their dream.
The processes Kelsi underwent thus far have been draining their savings and she needed a miracle to pull off their plan.

That’s when Kelsi’s mom, Rutherford, stepped in.
Miles away in Michigan, she was already consulting her doctor because she plans on becoming Kelsi’s gestational carrier.

At 53, Rutherford became pregnant again. At long last, Pierce can finally embrace the realities, challenges, and triumphs of motherhood.

But it wasn’t the only miracle they experienced.
Kelsi had stopped seeing her fertility doctor and stopped taking fertility medications. But after years of trying, she had the habit of taking pregnancy tests regularly.“I glanced down at the test and I was going to throw it away like normal, and that was the first time I saw two lines.” She shared with Good Morning America.

She did a second test just to confirm. She also went to her doctor who also confirmed the pregnancy. Kelsi said she cried for a month because she couldn’t just believe it.

But the process was not without complications.
At the 36th-week appointment, Rutherford was told to deliver the baby within 12 hours via C-section as her blood pressure was spiking

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